But there was a time when saturated it appears, then there is a motivation to make us rise again, and in toward rose that is "Perseverance". Perseverance is a form of persistence that makes rose up and forward, excited again and fight again. So on the morning of this day, there is something that makes me write in "notes Entrepreneur", after a right-left look stuck with, now I prefer to write in accordance with the words of the heart. Indeed life must vote, and "life is choices", do start now or does not happen anything.
There is no word that is not possible, maybe that's a potent phrase to rise for anyone who is pioneering the effort. This morning, I was enjoying the pleasures of "krawu rice" typical Gresik which formations and wonderful. But behind the pleasures of krawu rice, there are incredible stories that make this famous krawu sego until now.
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Rice "Krawu" for The Spirit of This Morning |
The Origin Of Rice Krawu
"Krawu Rice" or commonly called sego krawu, most and more easily obtained in Gresik. For me and my friends for culinary lovers might think the origin of rice krawu is from the town of Gresik, it didn't. And my estimate wrong. Krawu rice has migrated from a place, from an initially Madura Island, more precisely of the Bangkalan. And psychologically, the pattern of any gotta culinary experience displacement, perseverance, persistent action to emigrate, in order to get more value, i.e. krawu rice became a bestseller for sale and can live out that sells this krawu sego.Since early this morning, while I'm enjoying this krawu sego, my brain thought to know a little about sego krawu, and it turns out there are downs behind the famous this krawu sego. Based on the information that I can glance, sego krawu already exists in Madura since the 1960 's, annual and maybe because the market is not yet familiar with this type of sego krawu, then the rice is becoming fewer enthusiasts. And a Grandpa Munimah which later migrated to the town of Gresik and trying to sell nasi krawu.
In the beginning, Mbah Munimah is selling in spite of Village on the White Store, Gresik but not selling sego krawu. Sego krawu according to some sources collected authors, developed by Hajah Sufayyah (Mbuk Su) who was the daughter of Walid Munimah, Mbuk Su learns about krawu rice at his mother i.e. Mbah Munimah, which starts from krawu, sego recipe how to Cook up to the moment of the presentation of the model of krawu rice was served. In circa 1970 's, Hj. Sufayyah, this krawu rice began trading independently with the rounds.
And this time, the efforts of Commerce derived krawu sego Hajah Sufayyah on her children, who currently also selling in Surabaya and Gresik, which is none other than to preserve the sego krawu.
The Pleasures Of Rice Krawu
Enjoy the krawu of plain rice does have its own pleasures, especially when enjoyed it directly in Gresik. Such as the story above, mention of rice initially krawu it could have been because at the time of serving buyers, sellers took part in this krawu with dikrawuk sego-krawuk (take the food by hand), and it turns out that this assumption is wrong.Krawu this is one part of the rice krawu, i.e. the coconut that has been shredded and added red chili seasoning (in the most city, named serundeng or shredded coconut).
Friends of nasi krawu, know it has some food items served in a dish so what reigning called sego krawu, elements of it are:
1. White rice.
2. Krawu or serundeng coconut.
3. Beef as they make.
4. Mince.
5. Red chili sauce.
6. The Mangut.
Which makes this a very delicious krawu sego is, some element of the seasoning that is made using a special, such as beef. For this beef is cooked by means Braised until completely cooked to be sliced easily, and broth of boiled meat is called stews are also used for dressing the rice krawu.
Another one that is no less important, the name "mangut". This shark is grated coconut that has mixed the spices along with keluwek and boiled until the water runs out.
In addition to the shark, which also adds to the pleasure of rice krawu this is the "Sambal" which made shrimp paste and shrimp paste together.
Actually I am also confused over the use of the word mince and krawu, because both come from the shredded coconut, but the difference is if "the jokester" made of shredded coconut and added seasonings until lightly browned, but for "krawu" made from shredded coconut and added seasoning and red pepper until the colour is more pinkish.
So my best friend, like culinary sego krawu doing Hijrah and rose from the place of beginning. Moreover, we already we ought to rise from adversity and do not despair. We do not need to envy with the lives of others because we are so jealous with other people's lives, it means we must be willing to accept the same failures like those we have envy.And keep our friends with our friends "perseverance". Because with the tenacity we can achieve what we expect is impossible for others to do.
The last, remains always grateful, judging the shortage, we actually never lack. That makes the shortage is a passion and a lifestyle that makes us fall asleep and always making other people better and better for us.